Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Calgary's Weekend Tournament: Experiences vs. Raising Stars

Experiences vs. Raising Stars
Open to Juniors (21 yrs and under) and adults
Chess n 'Math and CFC

CFC membership required. It can be purchased on the site.

Format: 5 round swiss or round robin depending on the number of players
Time Control: 25 minutes
Registration: Sign in at the club 9:45 - 10: 00 am
Please pre-register by mailing me at

Entry Fee: $ 10 with membership
Prize: Cash Prize or Medallions
Round: Round 1: 10a.m-11a.m
Round 2: 11a.m-12a.m
Lunch: 12a.m-1p.m
Round 3: 1p.m-2p.m
Round 4: 2p.m - 3p.m
Round 5: 3p . m-4p.m

Note: Schedule may change depending on the situation

Entrants: So far our entrants are:

Juniors: Simon Ong, Tony Cai (maybe), Raymond Ong, Chengxi Zhao, Patrick Angelo Tolentino, Justin Prather, and Andre Angelo Tolentino
Seigneur: Roy Yearwood, Angelo Tolentino

The list will be refreshed in Yahoo! CCC group.

Tony Cai

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