Sunday, August 30, 2009

Match Day

Tired of inflexible tournament conditions? Annoyed by players hiding behind computer programs online? Need a break from the anonymity of correspondence chess?

Here's your chance to play live and on your own terms.

Every Friday, starting on September 18th, the Calgary Chess Club will be open for Match Day. Reply to this post by clicking "Comments" to appear on the club's sign-up sheet, or respond to someone else's ad by the same means. Be sure to set your conditions:

* number of games
* rated or unrated (but please include a ranking for information purposes)
* time control (with or without clock)
* bounty or no (to be decided between the players)
* standard rules, chess at odds, chess 960, or even blindfold
* starting time (remember that club hours are 6-11 PM)

Online submissions for a particular date close at 6:00 PM on that evening. Walk-ins will be accepted at any time. The cost to you will be only $2 per evening.

Let the games begin!

Bob Macfie

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