Saturday, December 12, 2009

University Battle of Alberta Open 2009 Pictures


Take a look of these pictures. Hopefully after looking at these pictures you will pre-register for this event!!
Pre-registration: Email

2009 UBOA Open Set-Up. Please suggest on how we should set up the 2010 UBOA Open (something similar to national or international FIDE event). Let me know as I am running out of

More than 35 players showed up. It does not matter if you are university students, professors, or staffs. Community members are welcome!!

Experts and masters playing in the 2009 UBOA Open.

Juniors are welcome to participate in this event.
I remembered a few juniors who took on university students and won their games.
Look forward to see upset victories from our juniors in the 2010 UBOA Open.

Overall winners of the event. FM Pechenkin and Expert Karmali.
Who will be the overall winner of the 2010 UBOA Open?
I guess I have to wait and see...can't wait though lol.

2009 UBOA Team Champion
lol...I wasn't in the picture even I am on the team :(
Too busy directing.
We went to Joey Tomato to celebrate the success of this tournament. You can see we have a great time playing in the 2009 UBOA Open with a thumb-up given by National Master Roy Yearwood. We are planning to do the same in the 2010 UBOA Open.

2nd Annual University Battle of Alberta Open

2nd Annual University Battle of Alberta Open
CFC Rated & FIDE Rated
Saturday and Sunday, January 16-17th 2010
Calgary Chess Club, #274, 3359-27 Street N.E.
Club Phone: 403-264-9498
Tournament Director and Organizer: Simon Ong

Open to all University and College students, professors, and staffs. Community members are encouraged to participate in the tournament.

Format: 5 round swiss
Time Control: G/90 + 30 second increment
Registration: All teams (players) must sign-in by 9:30 a.m. at the Calgary Chess Club.
Round Times: Round 1@10 am, Round 2 @2:30 pm, Round 3 @ 7 pm
Round 4@ 10 am, Round 5@ASAP
Award Ceremony @ 4 pm (We might go Boston Pizza or Joey Tomato to celebrate the success of this tournament like last year)
All byes must be requested before round 1. Last round counts as 0 point bye. Byes does not count toward team's score.

CFC Membership is required. It can be purchased on site
Entry Fee:

  • $20/per university students, professors, and staff (with current CFC membership
  • $30/per non-university students, professors, and staff (with current CFC membership
  • $30/per university students, professors, and staff (who want to purchase one-tournament CFC membership)$20 goes to the CFC, $5 goes to the ACA,$5 goes to the prize fund
  • $51/per university students, professors, and staff (who want to purchase CFC membership) $41 goes to the CFC, $5 goes to the ACA,$5 goes to the prize fund


(1) The results of the top 4 finishers of each university/college team will count toward the score to determine the winner of University Battle of Alberta. The winning team will obtain the trophy and will be displayed in their university/college for a year.

(2) The entry fee will be used as cash prize and will be awarded to individual who have the best performance. Ex. Overall 1st, 2nd, 3rd as well as U1700 1st, 2nd, 3rd, U1400 1st, 2nd, and Unrated 1st. Community members are eligible for cash prize!!

Team Captains: U of C: Adie Todd

U of L: Thomas Fox

U of A: Katlan and Georgia,

Community Members: Contact the T.D.

Team captains are responsible to send their list of players (especially the top 4 who will represent the team to determine who is the winner) to the tournament director (that would be me) by December 31st. The pre-register list will be posted on the ACA website and this facebook event page.

Friday, December 11, 2009

University Battle of Alberta Pre-registered and Maybe's List

Hello all,

28 players pre-registered for this event..14 players said "maybe"..,.
Reserve your spot by email to Simon Ong (simong89 @ gmail . com)

Updated Pre-registered List as of December 11 @ 10 AM
1) Victor Kaminski (2315)
2) Dan Kazmaier (2257)
3) Roy Yearwood (2211)
4) Erik Tam (2038)
5) Aaron Sequillion (2011)
6) Simon Ong (1839)
7) Thomas Fox (1816)
8) Cashe Tyler (1761)
9) Nayef Daher (1734)
10) Greg Holmes (1662)
11) Slava Illyntskyy (1658)
12) Steven Blahitka (1633)
13) Josh Willie (1625)
14) Raymond Ong (1622)
15) Adie Todd (1596)
16) Ihor Kurylo (1576)
17) Shandy Booth (1548)
18) Katlan Irvine (1532)
19) Michael Wanless (1504)
20) Josh Weber (1186)
21) Ben Schmaltz (996)
22) Nikolas Macmillian (UNR)
23) Marc Bellemare (UNR)
24) Georgia Davies (UNR)
25) John Morrey (UNR)
26) Robert Goforth (UNR)
27) Jacob Smith (UNR)
28) Madhusudan Rao (UNR)

Maybe's Pre-registered List
**Either told me in person, email, or facebook**
1) FM Eric Hansen (2494)
2) FM Dale Haessel (2328)
3) David Zhang (2088)
4) Hafiz Karmali (2081)
5) Brad Willis (2053)
6) Jered Fokkema (1868)
7) Chase Cunningham (1792)
8) Micheal Sekuloff (1585)
9) Avelino Angelo Tolentino (1448)
10) Mark Ting (1342)
11) Thomas McIntyre (1274)
12) Chris Espina (UNR)
13) William Morris (UNR)
14) Wyatt Boudreau (UNR)

U of C's Top 4 Players
1) Victor Kaminski (2315)
2) Dan Kazmaier (2257)
3) Simon Ong (1839)
4) Steven Blahitka (1633)
Average Rating=2011

U of A's Top 4 Players
Maybe 1) Brad Willis (2053)
1) Nayef Daher (1734)
2) Katlan lrvine (1576)
3) Georgia Davies (UNR)
4) Nikolas Macmillian (UNR)
Average Rating=1655 (2 players)
1788 (if we include Mr. Willis on the team)

U of L's Top 4 Players
1) Thomas Fox (1816)
2) Cashe Tyler (1761)
3) Greg Holmes (1662)
4) Slava Illyntskyy (1658)
Average Rating=1724

NOTE:The name of the tournament is University Battle of Alberta but that does not mean it is restricted to University students/staffs/ and professors. I strongly encourage community members to participate in this tournament. The prize fund of this tournament is open to all players who participate in this tournament.

We have many strong community players (including Roy Yearwood, Stephan Vasilev, Hafiz Karmali) who participated last year. Last year crosstable can be found on the following link:

We also encourage junior players to play in this event. Juniors who participated last year included David Zhang, Jan Lazo, Raymond Ong, Yuekai Wang, Diwen Shi, etc.

Details are posted on our facebook group
(It will be posted on the ACA website soon!!)

Hope to see you in this event.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Calgary's Weekend Tournament: Experiences vs. Raising Stars

Experiences vs. Raising Stars
Open to Juniors (21 yrs and under) and adults
Chess n 'Math and CFC

CFC membership required. It can be purchased on the site.

Format: 5 round swiss or round robin depending on the number of players
Time Control: 25 minutes
Registration: Sign in at the club 9:45 - 10: 00 am
Please pre-register by mailing me at

Entry Fee: $ 10 with membership
Prize: Cash Prize or Medallions
Round: Round 1: 10a.m-11a.m
Round 2: 11a.m-12a.m
Lunch: 12a.m-1p.m
Round 3: 1p.m-2p.m
Round 4: 2p.m - 3p.m
Round 5: 3p . m-4p.m

Note: Schedule may change depending on the situation

Entrants: So far our entrants are:

Juniors: Simon Ong, Tony Cai (maybe), Raymond Ong, Chengxi Zhao, Patrick Angelo Tolentino, Justin Prather, and Andre Angelo Tolentino
Seigneur: Roy Yearwood, Angelo Tolentino

The list will be refreshed in Yahoo! CCC group.

Tony Cai

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Since I'm accepted now as a member in the Calgary Chess Club newsgroup, I'll be kibitzing there. It's in:
Check there for updates.

Round 2

Round 2 has started. The first two boards of the live games in the website have started.

A Sicilian Rossilimo. White plays Bb5 focusing on development and the forming of the pawn center duo, d4 and e4, by playing c3. Yuekai has played the system with Qc7 and Nf6 which is usually used if Nc3 and Bb5 is played so that Nd4 Nxd4 cxd4 hits the knight. White now has formed a pawn duo but is struck back with d5. Yuekai played the Nfd7 which seems inferior. I have double check since usually, Ne4 is played. f3 is impossible right now because of the rook at e1 and knight. White has a cramping pawn on e5 should be thinking of kingside attack with Bd3-b1, Qd3, etc.

A Giuoco Pianissmo. The game has just started and it is not all that clear. Both sides have their chances.

I'll get back later. I have to go somewhere. Sorry guys! Check the blog later for further updates.

Alberta Junior Chess Championsip Round 1

Hello all! This is Jan Lazo here. I'm currently in Toronto now which is why I'm not there right now. I've currently watching live games of the top 3 boards. I'm gonna do my best to kibitz and annotate some/all games since I'm somewhat busy this week and it's not school.

Shi-Zhang game was the first to finish. It was an English that turned into a hedgehog. After some inaccurate moves by Diwen Shi, David Zhang managed to equalize without much difficulty and soon got the iniative after a unsuccessful break (e4). David soon got an extra pawn through tactics. The position still had some drawing chances for White but drastically changed after misguided sac, 24. Nxb5. At first, it seems after axb5 Rc7, White regains the piece and pawn restoring material equality but after Nxf3+ gxf3 axb5, c7 is guarded. After a few moves, White resigned.

The second game to finish was Virji-Wang. After Nf6 played by Black threatening Nxe4, White played the move played more than a century ago, Nxc6. After some testing, it was shown to give Black equality cause of the center pawns. This capture is only done in the Sicilian Dragon. Since White gains time with ... bxc6 e5. Black equalized without difficulty and might actually had an advantage because of his center pawns and e1-a5 pin. Black captured a pawn on a2 and g2 to secure a pawn advantage. White was able to get back one of the pawns and actually had drawing chances because of the bishop pair and pawn structure. White, in my opinion, lost it after b4 trapping his bishop. Black used his pass pawn as a bait and attacked the king, soon leading to a mate. I have to admit that it was nice to see a mate occur. I don't know if White felt that Black deserved the priviledge of mating but I for one sure would...cause of Nxc6.

The last game of the live games to finish is Miller-Kalaydina. It was a Closed Sicilian with fianchettoed bishops as usual. The game was about equal up about move 10 but the undevelopment of the dark-squared bishop caused White some problems. h3 is usually played so that Be3 is possible without any harassment from the knights. The uncoordination of the rooks and bishops gave Black an iniative especially after e5. The knights came at d5 and f5 and totally controlled the key dark squares. Black forced a making of a backward pawn (d3) and piled up on the d-file. Simplification occured with after about every three moves exchange of pieces and Black won the ending without difficulty.

The second game has started and it seems I'm forced to go again (first the chess in the library a thanksgiving celebration). Who knows what's next? Anyway, I wish all of the juniors that they fare well in this tournament. I hope you all best show your skills in the game of chess.

- Jan Edmund Lazo

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Alberta Junior Championship and Reserve 2009

The Alberta Junior Championship and Reserve 2009 will be held at Calgary Chess Club on November 7-8, 2009. It will be a 5 round open swiss or round robin (if we have low entries). The winner of the "Championship" section will recieve ACA sponsorship to the next Canadian Junior Chess Championship. The Calgary Junior Chess Club will purchase plaques and will be given to the winner and runner-ups of both sections. Cash prizes will be available for both sections. Time control is Game in 90 minutes + 30 second increments per move. The round times will be 10:00am / 2:30pm / 6:00pm on Saturday and 10:00am / 2:30pm on Sunday (may change to give time to player to get lunch and dinner). All byes must be requested before round 1 (with last round counting as 0 point bye).

The full details for this tournament can be found on the following website:

You can still join by emailing simong89@yahoo. ca (Tournament Director is Simon Ong).

(1) YueKai Wang of Calgary (1808)
(2) David Miller of Grand Prairie (1627)
(3) Aaron Ting of Calgary (1329)

(1) Raymond Ong of Calgary (1613)
(2) Naveed Virgi of Edmonton (1478)
(3) Yaroslav Babich of Calgary (1256)
(4) Artsiom Akhverdziyev of Calgary (1186)
(5) Kevin Zhao of Calgary (1110)
(6) Krishneel Singh of Calgary (1077)
(7) Chenxi Zhao of Calgary (929)
(8) Jackson Prather of Calgary (877)
(9) Bill Xu of Calgary (772)
(10) Ryan John Tebbutt of Calgary (608)
(11) Andre Angelo Tolentino of Calgary (587)
(12) Lee Ma of Calgary (589)
(13) Zeling Li of Calgary (531)
(14) Patrick Angelo Tolentino of Calgary (513)
(15) Derek Zhang of Calgary (474)
(16) Imran Virji of Edmonton (UNR)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Alberta Blitz Championship 2009

Alberta Blitz Championship 2009
Date: Saturday, November 14th, 2009
Location: University of Calgary, Macewan Hall, Room Cassio A/B
Registration: 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM (Tournament finishes around 4:00 PM)
Time Control: 5 minutes
Entry Fee: 5$ for U of C Chess Club members; 10$ for other players
Prize Fund: 100% of entry fees
Contact and Pre-Registration: Adie Todd,

Pre-registration list:
(1) Ben Schmaltz
(2) Nicholas Moloney
(3) John Morrey
(4) Michael Wanless
(5) Jacob Smith
(6) Chase Cunningham
(7) Dan Kazmaier
(8) Steven Blahitka
(9) Robert Gaforth
(10) Simon Ong
(11) Monica Sommerville
(12) Brett Collier

Click the following link for the map to the playing site:

Sunday, September 27, 2009

University of Calgary Simul

Hello everybody,

I got a message from Adie saying:

"U of C will be hosting a simul on Thursday, October 1st. If there are any players from the CCC who would like to participate, it's open to everyone!

Players: Daniel Kazmaier and Nicholas Moloney
Date: Thursday, October 1st
Location: North Courtyard, Macewan Hall, University of Calgary
Time: Register to play at either 11:00 AM or 1:00 PM
Email to register"

They will have the giant chess set there as well so sounds like a fun event. I will encourage everyone to go there and play, give it a try. Thanks!

Stephan V.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Match Day

Tired of inflexible tournament conditions? Annoyed by players hiding behind computer programs online? Need a break from the anonymity of correspondence chess?

Here's your chance to play live and on your own terms.

Every Friday, starting on September 18th, the Calgary Chess Club will be open for Match Day. Reply to this post by clicking "Comments" to appear on the club's sign-up sheet, or respond to someone else's ad by the same means. Be sure to set your conditions:

* number of games
* rated or unrated (but please include a ranking for information purposes)
* time control (with or without clock)
* bounty or no (to be decided between the players)
* standard rules, chess at odds, chess 960, or even blindfold
* starting time (remember that club hours are 6-11 PM)

Online submissions for a particular date close at 6:00 PM on that evening. Walk-ins will be accepted at any time. The cost to you will be only $2 per evening.

Let the games begin!

Bob Macfie

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Active Grand Prix #2

Hi everybody,

20 players showed up for our Active Grand Prix #2. We added another section so we had 5 sections of 4 players in each.
(btw do you like this active format? do you like the Grand Prix idea? any input would be appreciated!)
We used CFC regular ratings in order to assign sections, but the event will CFC active rated! So don't worry, your active rating will change!

Here are the results for each section:

Section I

Eric Hansen 3 pts -> $30
Stephan Vasilev 1.5 pt -> $15
Brett Campbell 1 pt
Daniel Kazmaier 0.5 pt

Section II

David Zhang 2.5 pts -> $30
Martin Robichaud 2 pts -> $15
Hafiz Carmali 1 pt
Walter Watson 0.5 pt

Section III

Brian Miller 2 pts -> $22.5
Bill Bentley 2 pts -> $22.5
Tom McKay 1 pt
Art Milne 1 pt

Section IV

Vlad Constantinescu 3 pts -> $30
Joseph Mugodo 2 pts -> $15
Cris Kuczaj 1 pt
Simon Ong 0 pts

Section V

Raymond Ong 2 pts -> $22.50
Deweese Wood 2 pts -> $22.50
Guillaume Masclet 1 pt
David Crimmins 1 pt.

Each section also contributed $15 towards the final standings in the Grand Prix.
For the Grand Prix we will tally overall scores for all six active tournaments. All of them are CFC active rated and you must be a CFC member.

New faces for the Grand Prix were master Brett Campbell, expert David Zhang, veteran A class Cris Kuszaj, Joseph Mugodo from Hamilton(he is new to our club), veteran A Class Walter Watson, as well as the current two time Alberta Champ "The Hansenator". :)

Grand Prix #3 will be on October 6th, 2009 which is a bit long to wait because we have the 5 round Fall Open starting on September 1st. The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for the 15th of September so please attend.

Thanks for playing and see you on Friday!

From TD Roy Yearwood, report - Stephan Vasilev, and Simon Ong.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

CJCC Back to School Open 2009

Hi all,

CJCC's "Back to School Open" had a modest turnout of 15 players that were put in 3 sections of 5 players each. The players were required to record their moves, the "touch move rule" was in effect, and there were medals for the top 3 of each section. In the second and third sections playoffs were necessary in order to award the medals.

Section winners are as follows:

Section 1:

1st Yuekai Wang 4 pts.
2nd Vlad Constantinescu 3pts.
3rd Diwen Shi 2.5 pts.
4th Artyom Akverdiev 2.0 pts.
5th Kevin Zhao 1 pt.

Setion 2:

1st Stanley Wang 4.5 pts.
2nd Krishneel Singh 3.5 pts.
3rd Andre Tolentino 2.5 pts
4th Patrick Tolentino 1.5 pt.
5th Lee Ma 0.5 pt.

Section 3:

1st Chenxi Zhao 3.5pts(tiebreak winnner).
2nd Zeling Li 3.5pts.
3rd Bill Xu 2.5pts(tiebreak winner)
4th Anna Chaykovska 2.5pts
5th Mehtaab Gill 0.5 pt

Thanks all for playing!

We want to see you all of you at our next tournament, which is on September 26, 2009 at St. Vincent Elementary School 4525 - 49 St. NW. Please don't show up at the chess club for this event!!! For more info or if you have any question, please contact Angelo Tolentino at 403-680-4374 or post on this board. Please show up on time for the registration of this event - from 9:00am to 9:45am!

From TD Roy Yearwood

Monday, August 17, 2009

Positive Experiences at the Chinatown Street Festival

Hello all,

Here is a brief report of the festival:
Chinatown Street Festival: Calgary Chess Club

Chinatown Street Festival is one of the most popular festivals in Calgary. Itconsists of merchant booths and entertainmentslocated at 3rd Ave and 1st St SE. It usually attract 50,000 people from allparts of Calgary. Every year this annual festivalconsists of the same activities: 3 on 3 soccer, mini golf, and Chinese Chess.However, there was something different about the9th annual Chinatown Street Festival. There were two tables set up with sixchess boards and pieces under 10'x 10' tent. Nextto the tent was a giant chess board that was set up by Bob Macfie, AngeloTolentino, Roy Yearwood, Raymond Ong and myself. The giant chess pieces wereassembled by our junior club players including the Tolentino brothers and Bill Xu. Then, the youngest of the Tolentino brother, Khino ("young Fischer"), placedthe assembled pieces on the giant board and ready to start a game against anyvisitors.

Regardless of the chilly weather in the morning, more and more visitors gatheredaround the giant chess board observing the gamebetween Bob Macfie and challengers from the crowd. The games on the giant chessboard were not short, the challengers actually givingBob a hard time at some point of the game. Other than the giant chess board wasa hit, visitors came to the tables to play chess against our president, StephanVasilev, and our veteran player, Roy Yearwood. Throughout the day, StephanVasilev, Roy Yearwood, and BobMacfie talked with visitors and answered any questions about our club. As wellthey handed out ACA&CCC pamphlets and Alberta Chess Reports. I helped answered any questions regarding to our junior chess club and passed out the CJCC newschedules. Stephan helped sellchess sets to visitors. It was nice to see the cooperation of our CCCexecutives.

Otherthan our CCC executives, we have many juniors playing chess in the festivalincluding David Zhang, YueKai Wang, Tony Cai,Diwen Shi, Chenxi Zhao, Kevin Zhao, Lee Ma, Gordon Cheung and juniors which Ihad already mentioned earlier in the report. Our juniors were playing blitz and bughouse. Some of our younger juniors werechallenged by visitors. It was suprising to see how our juniors were victoriousagainst visitors who are many times their age. I remembered seeing the AlbertaGrade 1 champion, PatrickTolentino, checkmating a visitor who claimed that he has been playing chess for more than 10 years. Never underestimate our juniors.

Later on the day, we have Raman Shanker dropped by to play chess games. The onlygame I saw Raman played was against Gordon Cheung. Raman easily won the game. Thanks for coming, Raman.

Overall the promotion of our club in this festival was a great success. We hopethat the visitors we met in this festival willcome to our club in the near future. It was a very positive experience for ourCCC executives, CJCC juniors, and visitors. Itwould be great if the CCC board will consider running the same thing in the 10thChinatown Street Festival. If we are doing thesame thing in the future, I strongly encourage our CCC/CJCC players to come outbecause after the festival you will be left withwonderful memories which I cannot explain unless you experience yourself.Stephan managed to capture some of the highlights of this festival and kindlyposted on the Calgary Chess Club Facebook group:

(I'm not sure if one need a facebook account to see these pictures).Again, I want to say "thank you" to all who came to help out in promoting chessand/or play chess in this festival. Special thanks to Stephan Vasilev, RoyYearwood, Bob Macfie, and Stacy Liu (Chenxi's mom) for helping with the teardown.

P.S. It would be great to see our CCC executives and CJCC players who came to the festival and write their experiences.
Simon Ong
Secretary, Calgary Chess Club

Friday, August 7, 2009

Chinatown Street Festival: Calgary Chess Club

Hello Everybody,

After a huge success in promoting chess at the Inglewood Sunfest festival, the Calgary Chess Club has decided that we will do the same for the upcoming Chinatown Street Festival on August 15th. We would like to invite you to come down to this festival, play chess, and help promote our club. We will also bring our the giant chess set.

The festival opens to public at 10:00 am and will continue until 8:00 pm. If you come to the festival at around 11:30 am you will witness the Chinese traditional "lion dance". There are other activities in this festival including: table tennis, 3 on 3 soccer, mini golf, mahjong, and EVEN CHINESE CHESS.

If you would like to volunteer in helping promote our chess club in this festival, then please contact me at simong89@yahoo dot ca. The volunteer work isn't very hard; it can be a lot of fun.

Here are some of the volunteer works:
-Set up the boards/pieces before the start of the festival
-Clean up at the end of the festival
-Talk and answer any questions of visitors
-Pass out flyers/cards/ ACR to visitors

Here are the list of volunteers that confirmed with me that they will be helping out:
1) Stephan Vasilev
2) Bob Macfie
3) Roy Yearwood
4) Angelo Tolentino
5) Patrick and Andre Tolentino
6) Tony Cai
7) Simon Ong
8) Zachary and Sebastian Farkas
9) Gwen Farkas

For more information about this festival, you may visit their website:

To see where our tent is set up in this festival, please visit the following website:

We should be set up in tent #20 next to the Chinese Chess Club (tent #21).

Thanks for your time. Hope to see you there!!
Simon Ong
Secretary, Calgary Chess Club

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Active Grand Prix #1

Hi all,

here are the results for each section of our first active Grand Prix:

Section I

Daniel Kazmaier 3 pts. -> $30
Martin Robichaud 2 pts. -> $15
Stephan Vasilev 1 pt.
Ron Hinds 0 pts.

Section II

Tony McKeon 3 pts. -> $30
Brian Miller 2 pts. -> $15
Art Milne 1 pt.
Bill Bentley 0 pts.

Section III

Tom McKay 2 pts. -> $30
Simon Ong 1.5 pts -> $7.5
Vlad Lapiy 1.5 pts. -> $7.5
Bob Macfie 1 pt.

Section IV

Raymond Ong 2.5 pts -> $22.50
Vlad Constantinescu 2.5 pts. -> $22.50
Guillaume Masclet 1 pt.
Deweese Wood 0 pt.

Each section also contributed $15 towards the final standings in the Grand Prix. For the Grand Prix we will tally overall scores for all six active tournaments. All of them are CFC rated and you must be a CFC member. New members joining tonight were Vlad Constantinescu and Tony McKeon. Next Grand Prix will be on August 25th!

If you have any suggestions on how to improve this and future events, please write us a comment since these tournaments are for you!

Thanks for playing and see you next Tuesday for our Bughouse "experiment"! :)

TD Roy Yearwood

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sicilian Active - Final Standings

Hello all,

here are the final standings of our first thematic active tournament.

CCC SicilianActive Final Standings:

Name ID Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Tot Prize

1. Alex Yam 138357 1502 W14 W8 W2 D3 3.5 $70.00
2. Daniel Kazmaier 131382 2094 W9 W11 L1 W5 3.0 $30.00
3. David Zhang 145883 1550 W13 D5 W7 D1 3.0 $30.00
4. Jan Edmund D Lazo 148645 1480 L5 W13 W15 W9 3.0 $30.00
5. Roy Yearwood 102743 1874 W4 D3 W6 L2 2.5
6. Regina-veronicka Kalaydina 141148 1418 D7 W10 L5 W13 2.5
7. Brian Miller 102547 1740 D6 W15 L3 D10 2.0
8. Arthur Milne 101874 1662 W12 L1 L9 W15 2.0
9. Bob Macfie 111989 1501 L2 W16 W8 L4 2.0
10. Diwen Shi 145882 1460 D15 L6 W16 D7 2.0
11. Tom McKay 101022 1576 W16 L2 U--- U--- 1.0
12. Adie Todd 125156 1206 L8 W14 U--- U--- 1.0
13. Krishneel Singh 149141 952 L3 L4 W14 L6 1.0
14. Guillanme Mascler unr. L1 L12 L13 W16 1.0
15. Dr Ronald Hinds 106102 1832 D10 L7 L4 L8 0.5
16. Deweese Wood 145476 1056 L11 L9 L10 L14 0.0

Thank you all for participating, I hope you had fun!



Roy Yearwood says: I enjoyed the tournament very much! 4 rounds is quite good and the games I played were very interesting. Most interesting were versus Dan Kazmier and Jan Lazo. I will be publishing some game analysis after the Canadian Open. I hope we have another active, soon.
Please comment or give us your feedback on this event, suggest some openings for future events if you like.
Also tell us what do you think of our new policy regarding nightly dues of $2 - serious comments only, please. Use the yahoo message if necessary or easier.

Good luck to all on the 2009 Canadian Open!

Friday, July 3, 2009

CJCC Calendar of Events July - December 2009


All tournaments are subject to change. Contact the tournament director for detailed information.

July 4
Stampede Open
Time Control: Game in 25 minutes
Format: Active 5 rounds
Rating: CJCC rated
Entry Fee: free!
Director: Simon Ong(or Stephan Vasilev)
Prizes: TBA
Enter: Contact Simon at or show up by 10 am
Bring $23 for your annual CJCC membership!

July 25
Junior Active Open
Time Control: Game in 25 minutes
Format: Round Robin or Swiss
Rating: TBA
Entry Fee: $7
Director: H. Persuad
Prizes: Sum of entries less expenses
Enter: Contact Hemant at or show up by 10 am

August 8
Tactical Summer Open
Time Control: Game in 25 minutes
Format: Round Robin or Swiss
Rating: TBA
Entry Fee: $7
Director: David Zhang
Prizes: Sum of entries less expenses
Enter: Contact David at or show up by 10 am

August 22
Back To School Open
Time Control: Game in 25 minutes plus 10 second increment
Format: Round Robin or Swiss
Rating: CFC and Chess&Math
Entry Fee: $15
Director: Roy Yearwood
Prizes: Sum of entries less expenses
Registration: 9:00 to 9:45 am

September 26
September Open
Time Control: TBA
Format: Round Robin or Swiss
Rating: CFC rated active
Entry Fee: $7
Director: Angelo Tolentino
Prizes: Sum of entries less expenses
Enter: Contact Angelo avelangelotolentino@yahoo.comor show up by 10am

October 3
Warm Up for Junior Battle of Alberta
Time Control: Game in 25 minutes
Format: Round Robin or Swiss
Rating: Chess&MathEntry
Fee: $7
Director: H. Persuad
Prizes: Sum of entries less expenses
Enter: Contact Hemant at or show up by 10am

October 17
Fall Open
Time Control: Game in 25 minutes
Format: Round Robin or Swiss
Rating: TBA
Entry Fee: $7
Director: S. Ong
Prizes: Sum of entries less expenses
Enter: Contact Simon at or show up by 10am

October 31
CJCC Halloween Open
Time Control: Game in 25 minutes
Format: Bughouse
Rating: CJCC
Entry: $7 or wear a costume for no fee!
Director: David Zhang
Prizes: Sum of entries less expenses
Enter: Contact David at or show up by 10am

November 7 & 8
Southern Alberta Junior Championship
Time Control: Game in 90 minutes + 30sec
Format: Round Robin or Swiss
Rating: CFC
Entry Fee: $7
Director: S. Ong
Prizes: Sum of entries less expenses
Enter: Contact Simon at or show up by 10am

November 28
November Active Open
Time Control: Game in 25 minutes
Format: Round Robin or Swiss
Rating: TBA
Entry Fee: $7
Director: H. Persuad
Prizes: Sum of entries less expenses
Enter: Contact Hemant at or show up by 10am

December 5
December Showflake Open
Time Control: Game in 25 minutes
Format: Round Robin or Swiss
Rating: TBA
Entry Fee: $7
Director: T. Cai
Prizes: Sum of entries less expenses
Enter: Contact Tony at or show up by 10am

December 12
Christmas Warm Up
Time Control: Game in 25 minutes
Format: Round Robin or Swiss
Rating: TBA
Entry Fee: $7
Director: J. LazoPrizes: Sum of entries less expenses
Enter: Contact Jan at or show up by 10am

We will be updating the 2010 schedule soon!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Scandinavian to Caro-Kann?

This game was played in the Alberta Active Championship. It was round 3 against Art Milne. We've played a previous game in the Calgary Team Chess Championship where I suffered a loss due to carelessness. It was some sort of Catalan where despite my lack of knowledge for theory, I would say my position was favourable for me until I declined the trading of queens. Anyway, we have now the same colors as in the previous game but since he was close to losing that game, he changed moves and challenged my favourite opening.

Alberta Active Championship
W: Art Milne June 6, 2009
B: Jan Edmund Lazo 25 mins.
Opening: Scandinavian Defense

1. e4 d5 (!) 2. Nc3!?

Transposing to the Dunst Opening instead of the main line. According to my readings and experience, I say that this is not the way to get an advantage out of this opening and will only give equality since this allows some sort of reversed King's Indian set-up if 2. ... d4 Nce2 (Nb1!?) e5 d3 c5 Nf3 (f4!?) Nc6 g3 f6 or 2. dxe4 Nxe4 Bf5 and get an improved version of the Classical variation of the Caro-Kann Defense because c5 can be played in one go. I can't recall the moves of my previous game against the Dunst and the critical position of it but all I can say is that I favour Black and checkmate was near.

2. ... dxe4 (!)

Best way to exploit White's move order. Having studied the Classical Variation of the Caro-Kann, I realized that this move order as said allows c7-c5 in one go instead of c5-c6-c5 as in the main line of the Caro-Kann. An alternative and unamed variation is 2. ...d4 allowing the given variation and a possibility to go for a Reversed King's Indian. Both variations are playable and are just a matter of taste.

3. Nxe4 Bf5 4. Ng3 (?!)

I'm don't think White should really play as if c6 and d4 were played and instead play 4. Qf3 because of Black's move order. Play can continue with 4. ... Bg6 5. Bc4 e6 6. Ne2 Nd7 7. d4 Bd6 etc. (4. ... Bxe4 5. Qxe4 c6 is a safer option) because 4 ... Qd5? 5. Nd6! Qxd6 6. Qxf5 gives up the bishop pair for nothing but a few tempi because of White's queen.

4. ... Bg6 5. Nf3 Nd7 6. d4 Nf6 7. h4 h6 8. h5 Bh7 9. Bd3 Bxd3 10. Qxd3 e6 11. Bd2 c5!

Attacking the center pawn and opening the a5-d8 diagonal for the queen. White isn't prepared to play d5 because there is no c4 yet. 11. ... c6?! gives up the opening advantage as 12. 0-0-0 Qc7 13. Ne4 0-0-0 14. g3 transposes to the normal lines of the Classical Caro-Kann

12. 0-0-0 Qc7 (Qb6!?) 13. Kb1 0-0-0 14. c3?

White weakens his queenside, removes the c3 square for the bishop, and wastes time for any kind of plan as d4 needs no reinforcement yet. Better was 14. Qa3 Kb8 15. Ba5! Nb6 16. Qc3 Bd6 which is equal in my opinon.

14. ... Bd6 15. Ne4 Nxe4 16. Qxe4 Nf6 17. Qd3 Qc6

Attempting to limit and control central light squares. 18. Ne5 is currently impossible due to the indirect pin in the d file. It seems to me that 17. ... c4 is the better move as this further prevents the movement of White's pieces especially White's bishop with tempo. Then after 18. Qe2 Nd5 or even b5, Black's control of light squares is obvious and a queenside pawnstorm with a5, b4, etc. is iminent.

18. Rhel?

Giving up a pawn for nothing. A better try is to play 18. Qc4 then 18. ... Qe4+ 19. Kal Kb8 20. Be3 but after 20. ... Rhe8 21. Rh4 Ng4, Black is slightly better .

18. ... Nxh5! 19. g3 Nf6 20. Qe2 Kb8 21. Ne5 Bxe5?

Black forgets that the his king on his b8 instead of c8. Because of this, Black's advantage becomes smaller. Better was 21. ... Qc7 with the idea of Bxe5 Qxe5 Qxe5 dxe5 Nd5 keeping the pawn advantage.

22. dxe5?

White forgets 22. Qxe5+ Kc8 23. Qxc5 Qxc5 24. dxc5 Rd5 25. Be3 Rhd8 Rd4 which will reduce Black's advantage from material to slight positional advantage. Now, Black's advantage of extra pawn is kept.

22. ... Nd5 23. Bc1 c4 24. Qg4 g6 25. Rd4 b5 26. Red1 Qb7 27. a4?

Trying to break the pawn chain and win the c-pawn but letting Black obtain the a-file if pawns are exchanged. Fisher's paradoxical idea of moving pawns at the side where your opponent pawnstorms is most likely applicable if that is the side where the king isn't there such as in KIA. Unfortunately for White, this does not apply because the a-file and/or b-file is/are just what Black's rooks need to infiltrate the enemy base as all files are closed as of the moment.

27. ... a6 28. axb5 axb5 29. Rh1??

White misguidedly aims on winning the h6 but pays a dear price. Explanation on the next move.

29. ...h5??

Black misses 29. ... Nxc3+!! 30. bxc3 Rxd4! 31. Qxd4 Qxh1 32. Qd6+ Ka7! 33. Qc7+ Qb7+!
34. Be3+ Ka8 and now White is an exchange down, 2 pawns down, and should resign.

30. Qe2??

White again misses Nxc3+. Qe4 is obviously better placing the queen in the h1-a8 diagonal or at least Qh4 controling the h4-d8 diagonal.


Threatening b4 with the idea of Rxc4 bxc3 Rxc8+ Rxc8 and a possible c2+ but missing Nxc3+ again.

31. g4?? hxg4?? 32. Rxh8!!

Finally, the threat Nxc3+ is no more!

32. ... Rxh8 33. Rxg4 b4?

Black plays as if his attack is decisive with threats on c3 but 34. cxb4 c3 35. Rc4! silences Black's attack. Better was the previous idea of b4 by playing 33. ... Rc8.

34. cxb4 c3 35. b3?

Since this is an active tournament, time seemed to be a factor to do this mistake other than series of mistakes committed by both sides for missing Nxc3+!! This move allows Black to continue his attack with no material loss whatsoever. Now, this should be a matter of technique but...

35. ... Nxb4 36. Qc4 Nd5 37. Kc2 Qa7?

Yes, the idea of attacking f2 with the queen instead of the rook first is indeed a mistake as this allows an exchange of queens and gives more time for White to defend.

38. Qb5+ Kc7?

Much better was to exchange queens with Qb7 because now White has his chances.

39. Be3??

This just saves Black's life. It was much better to attack with 39. Rc4+! Kd8 40. Bg5+ f6 41. Bxf6+! Nxf6 42. exf6 Qxf2+ 43. Kxc3 Rh3+ 44. Kb4 Qe1+ 45. Ka4 Qa1+ 46. Kb4 Qxf6 and Black's advantage is now just a pawn but his king is insecure. Now, it really is over.

39. ... Qa2+ 40. Kd3 Qb1+ 44. Kc4 Qf1+ 45. Kc5 Qxb5+ 0-1

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Game Annotations and Tournaments

Hey all,

I'm sorry for not posting any games with/without game annotations for a long time. I've been busy studying for my finals and projects in school. So, during this month, I'll be posting my games with annotations. I'll be also in the club during weekdays to prepare for the CYCC and be of assistance to anyone. There will be two upcoming tournaments before the Canadian Open: Sicilian Theme Active Tournament and Stampede Open. The Sicilian Tournament will be on two Tuesdays, June 30 and July 7. The Stampede Open will be on July 4 and 5, Sat and Sun. I recommend that juniors participate in these two tournaments to warm-up for the Canadian Open and get exposure to tournament play.

Since the club will be open during weekdays and weekends and it's the summer, I also recommend that juniors take this opportunity to study openings, analyze games, play matches or tournaments, etc. for preparation, improving one's playing strength, etc. other than on Saturdays.

I would also like to remind all CJCC board members again that our meeting will be on Friday, July 3rd at around 7 pm. This would be about our plans for the summer and for future plans during the school year.

Hope to see you all in the club!!

- Jan Edmund Lazo
CJCC President

Friday, June 19, 2009

Open for juniors on June 20th

Hello everybody,

feel free to drop by this Saturday(June 20th) from 1 to 3 pm and have a group lesson and/or a game. The summer is here which means that the Canadian Junior in Victoria, BC is approaching as well as the Canadian Open in Edmonton. So it's preparation time!

See you all at the club,


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The CCC has a new Executive List...

Hello everybody,

on our Special Meeting this Tuesday we elected a new Board. Here are the new executives:

President: Stephan Vasilev
Vice-President: Ron Hinds
Treasurer: Bob Macfie
Secretary: Simon Ong
Directors: Roy Yearwood, Tony Ficzere, and Hubert Shi

Let's see what we can do and improve our club. We are ready to listen to all suggestions so feel free to come up with ideas. We will listen!

This Friday the club will be open for some casual play and game analysis and then on Saturday we will be open for our juniors from 1 pm to 3pm. Come in and have a game or two. :)

Stephan V.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Chess events this weekend

Hello everybody,

A few things I wanted to remind you because we have a chess weekend ahead of us:

1. Our club will be open on Friday evening for casual chess and game analysis.
2.  On Saturday, we will open at 9:00 am for the 2009 Alberta Active Championship. Here you can read more info: 
This tournament will be over by 4 pm so that means: no 1 o'clock meeting for our juniors!
3. On Sunday, Simon Ong will direct an invitational and an open tournament: Canadian Junior!?
He probably will post something in here soon, but as far as I understand, everybody can play because it's in 2 sections. 

See ya all in the club!

Stephan V.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Some news

Hi all,

our annual Spring Open tournament has started. Juraj Pivovarov is directing and still accepting players so that means that you can join us from round 2, which is next Tuesday, June 2nd.


Our club will be open this coming Saturday for all juniors who wish to play and learn. I will be there and Roy Yearwood will be there as usual. 


I have also created an ICC account for our juniors. If you feel like playing or maybe observing some of the major tournaments troughout the world that are being broadcasted there... but don't wanna pay the annual fee :) then this account is for you! 
Just download the ICC Dasher version( on your computer and then login with 
Username: CJCC 
password: calgary

It'e easy and is fun! I already played two 5min-games and from provisional 1600 made our rating 2190. But let that not put you off! Just play and enjoy. If you are too worried about bringing the club rating down than simply select non-rated games when you seek a game. 

Have fun!

Stephan V.

Monday, May 18, 2009

2009 Canadian Chess Challenge

To briefly sum up the performance of the team, because we have had the strongest team we ever had generally speaking, it was a bit disappointing to see that we got 64 game points out of 108 games against the 9 provinces repeating our previous score before. We still haven't beaten our highest score of 65 game points. Some of our players had done and experienced upsets in their games. We have five players that placed in their grade: Patrick Tolentino for 3rd place, Jamil Kassam for 3rd place, Yuekai Wang for 3rd place, David Zhang for 2nd place, and yours truly for 2nd place (1st if not blew up his game against Calugar). Despite this, all we're happy to have joined the tournament and had fun during their stay in Toronto. Players not only played normal chess but also played card games, bughouse, etc., went to the baseball game, museum, etc. and all sorts of things to maximize their time. Thanks to Bruce, Patricia, Richard, Roy, and all parents who came with their children to support them in the nationals. I would say that this was indeed truly a memorable experience for some if not all.

-CJCC President Jan Edmund Lazo

P.S. About the game to show its importance, I will show my games in the nationals especially the Lazo-Calugar game and other games in my lecture in the chess club on Friday.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Calgary Junior Chess Club AGM and Club Championship

Hello All,

Before our club championship, the Calgary Junior Chess Club (CJCC) had its own Annual General Meeting (AGM). More than 20 people attended the CJCC's AGM on May 10th. This is the first time that the CJCC has players attended our AGM. In the past, we organized the AGM at the same time as our tournament and thus players could not attend the meeting and play in the tournament at the same time. However, I decided that the juniors should have a "say" in things running in their chess club and should have an opportunity to run for board position.

There were three CJCC executives who attended the meeting: Seng Ting (VP), Hubert Shi (Treasurer), and yours truly. Seng came to the meeting to ask for the approval of the minutes from last AGM. After the approval, we proceeded to the President's annual report. I mentioned how the CJCC had a very successful year. Some of the highlights were the winning of the bid to host Canadian Junior Chess Championship, and our players winning in the Junior Battle of Alberta and Alberta Chess Challenge. Also, I mentioned how the Calgary Chess Club has offered help to the CJCC, including providing free coaching and fundings to our players. Lastly, I thanked resigning board members John Piera, Seng Ting, and Hubert Shi for the work they did, and Paul Gagne for offering assistance in directing our regular and special tournaments this year.

Hubert Shi presented our financial report. He mentioned how the junior chess club are currently low in money after paying for lap top repair, trophies, and other expenses.

Then, we have our election of board members. I am suprise and happy to see so many of our players willing to help their chess club even at young age. Our board of directors for next year are:

Past President and Executive Director: Simon Ong
President: Jan Edmund Lazo
Vice-President: Hemant Persaud
Treasurer: Stephan Vasilev
Secretary: Roy Yearwood
Director: Angelo Tolentino
Director: Raymond Ong
Director: David Zhang
Webmaster: Tony Cai
Other Volunteers: Diwen Shi, Krishneel Singh, and Bill Xu

Thanks to all who attended our meeting.

We then adjourned to play in the club championship.

Our club championship on May 10th was by far the strongest club championship in CJCC history with two expert level players: David Zhang and Jan Edmund Lazo. There were many interesting games and suprising upsets. Here are the crosstable of the Calgary Junior Open Chess Championship:
No Name 1 2 3 4 5
1 Lazo, Jan Edmund D. 16:1.0 12:1.0 7:1.0 2:1.0 3:0.5

2 Cai, Tony 18:1.0 15:1.0 4:1.0 7:1.0 1:0.5
3. Wang, Yuekai 10:1.0 13:1.0 6:1.0 1:0.0 9:1.0
4 Zhang, David 14:1.0 9:1.0 3:0.0 13:1.0 8:1.0
5 Babich, Yaroslav 26:1.0 7:0.0 17:1.0 16:1.0 12:1.0
6 Akhverdiev, Artyom 25:1.0 8:1.0 2:0.0 12:.5 15:1.0
7 Kalaydina, Regina-Veronicka 11:1.0 5:1.0 1:0.0 3:0.0 18:1.0
8 Persaud, Hemant 17:1.0 6:0.0 14:1.0 15:1.0 4:0.0
9 Piera, Johan 21:1.0 4:0.0 16:1.0 19:1.0 2:0.0
10 Tolentino, Andre Angelo 2:0.0 21:1.0 12:0.0 17:1.0 20:1.0
11 Tolentino, Patrick Angelo 7:0.0 20:1.0 15:0.0 21:1.0 19:1.0
12 Shi, Diwen 22:1.0 1:0.0 10:1.0 6:.5 5:0.0
13 Wang, Stanley 20:1.0 2:0.0 18:1.0 4:0.0 14:.5
14 Singh, Krishneel 4:0.0 19:1.0 8:0.0 22:1.0 13:.5
15 Ting, Aaron 23:1.0 3:0.0 11:1.0 8:0.0 6:0.0
16 Chen, Adrian 1:0.0 23:1.0 9:0.0 5:0.0 22:1.0
17 Zhang, Derek 8:0.0 27:1.0 5:0.0 10:0.0 23:1.0
18 Ma, Lee 3:0.0 25:1.0 13:0.0 23:1.0 7:0.0
19 Zhao, Kevin 27:1.0 14:0.0 22:1.0 9:0.0 11:0.0
20 Farkas, Sebastian 13:0.0 11:0.0 27:1.0 25:1.0 10:0.0
21 Xu, Bill 9:0.0 10:0.0 25:1.0 11:0.0 24:0.0
22 Li, Zeling 12:0.0 26:1.0 19:0.0 14:0.0 16:0.0
23 Farkas, Zachary 15:0.0 16:0.0 26:1.0 18:0.0 17:0.0
24 Ong, Raymond 0: 0: 0: 0: 21:1.0
25 Omotayo, John 6:0.0 18:0.0 21:0.0 20:0.0 0:
26 Omotayo, Samuel 5:0.0 22:0.0 23:0.0 0:0.0 0:
27 Silveira, Vinicius Ribeiro Da 19:0.0 17:0.0 20:0.0 0: 0:

We also improved the number of players showing up to our club championship from 14 players (last year) to 27 players (this year). The new CJCC champion was Jan Edmund Lazo who scored perfect. However, in the last round, his opponent Tony Cai could have claimed a quickplay draw because both players are "shuffling" pieces around and nothing was accomplished. So, the tournament report showed that Jan Edmund Lazo drew with Tony Cai.

Jan Edmund Lazo would defend his title sometime in August against the former champion Raymond Ong according to the CJCC's championship cycle. As a good sportmanship player, Jan decided to give Tony Cai a rematch after his match against Raymond Ong. So, stay tune for these exciting matches in August.

I would like to say "congratulation" to Jan Edmund Lazo and the runner ups David Zhang and Tony Cai. I would like to say "thank you" to everyone who came out to play in the event and volunteers including Stephan Vasilev, Roy Yearwood, and Seng Ting.

~Simon Ong

Tournament Organizer, Calgary Junior Open Chess Championship 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009

CCC Team Championship update

Hi all,

things are heating up and our next(and last) round is going to be very exciting! "The Dark Knights", "The Royals" and "The JuggerKnights" all lost and left the door open, so to speak, for everyone. Here is what happen:

"You Got Pawned!" – "The Royals" 3:1

Daniel Kazmaier(2266)(W) – Roy Yearwood(2055)(B) 1:0

Nicholas Moloney(2206)(B) – Paul Usselman(1890)(W) 0:1

Bernd Hahn(1626)(W) – Vladimir Lapiy(1790)(B) 1:0

Adie Todd(1370)(B) – Ted Borowski(1557)(W) 1:0

"Chessperados" – "The JuggerKnights" 2.5:1.5

Stephan Vasilev(2144)(W) – Hafiz Karmali(2073)(B) 1:0

Arthur Wojtas(1903)( B) – Chris Kuczaj(1937)(W) 0.5:0.5

Brian Miller(1866)(W) – Elmer Pasadilla(1863)(B) 1:0

David Crimmins(unrated)(B) – Brad Nielsen(1652)(W) 0:1

"The Dark Knights" - "Nimzovich of the West" 1.5:2.5

Raymond Ong(1596)(W) – Walter Watson(1952)(B) 0.5:0.5

Jan Lazo(1990)(B) – Art Milne(1878)(W) 0:1

Simon Ong(1655)(W) – Bob Macfie(1768)(B) 0:1

Yuekai Wang(1784)(B) – Tom McKay(1598)(W) 1:0


Pairings for Round 5 (May 12th, 2009):

"Nimzovich of the West"* – "You Got Pawned!"

"The Royals"* – "Chessperados"

"The JuggerKnights"* - "The Dark Knights"

* board 1 and board 3 playing white


Current Standings:
1. "The Dark Knights" 9.5 points

2. "You Got Pawned!" 8.5 points

3. "The JuggerKnights" 8.5 points

4. "Nimzovich of the West" 8 points

5. "The Royals" 7.5 points

6. "Chessperados" 6 points

Come in and observe the final round - on May 12th - and catch all the excitment... Play some casual games in our skittles room if you want. :)