Saturday, December 12, 2009

University Battle of Alberta Open 2009 Pictures


Take a look of these pictures. Hopefully after looking at these pictures you will pre-register for this event!!
Pre-registration: Email

2009 UBOA Open Set-Up. Please suggest on how we should set up the 2010 UBOA Open (something similar to national or international FIDE event). Let me know as I am running out of

More than 35 players showed up. It does not matter if you are university students, professors, or staffs. Community members are welcome!!

Experts and masters playing in the 2009 UBOA Open.

Juniors are welcome to participate in this event.
I remembered a few juniors who took on university students and won their games.
Look forward to see upset victories from our juniors in the 2010 UBOA Open.

Overall winners of the event. FM Pechenkin and Expert Karmali.
Who will be the overall winner of the 2010 UBOA Open?
I guess I have to wait and see...can't wait though lol.

2009 UBOA Team Champion
lol...I wasn't in the picture even I am on the team :(
Too busy directing.
We went to Joey Tomato to celebrate the success of this tournament. You can see we have a great time playing in the 2009 UBOA Open with a thumb-up given by National Master Roy Yearwood. We are planning to do the same in the 2010 UBOA Open.

2nd Annual University Battle of Alberta Open

2nd Annual University Battle of Alberta Open
CFC Rated & FIDE Rated
Saturday and Sunday, January 16-17th 2010
Calgary Chess Club, #274, 3359-27 Street N.E.
Club Phone: 403-264-9498
Tournament Director and Organizer: Simon Ong

Open to all University and College students, professors, and staffs. Community members are encouraged to participate in the tournament.

Format: 5 round swiss
Time Control: G/90 + 30 second increment
Registration: All teams (players) must sign-in by 9:30 a.m. at the Calgary Chess Club.
Round Times: Round 1@10 am, Round 2 @2:30 pm, Round 3 @ 7 pm
Round 4@ 10 am, Round 5@ASAP
Award Ceremony @ 4 pm (We might go Boston Pizza or Joey Tomato to celebrate the success of this tournament like last year)
All byes must be requested before round 1. Last round counts as 0 point bye. Byes does not count toward team's score.

CFC Membership is required. It can be purchased on site
Entry Fee:

  • $20/per university students, professors, and staff (with current CFC membership
  • $30/per non-university students, professors, and staff (with current CFC membership
  • $30/per university students, professors, and staff (who want to purchase one-tournament CFC membership)$20 goes to the CFC, $5 goes to the ACA,$5 goes to the prize fund
  • $51/per university students, professors, and staff (who want to purchase CFC membership) $41 goes to the CFC, $5 goes to the ACA,$5 goes to the prize fund


(1) The results of the top 4 finishers of each university/college team will count toward the score to determine the winner of University Battle of Alberta. The winning team will obtain the trophy and will be displayed in their university/college for a year.

(2) The entry fee will be used as cash prize and will be awarded to individual who have the best performance. Ex. Overall 1st, 2nd, 3rd as well as U1700 1st, 2nd, 3rd, U1400 1st, 2nd, and Unrated 1st. Community members are eligible for cash prize!!

Team Captains: U of C: Adie Todd

U of L: Thomas Fox

U of A: Katlan and Georgia,

Community Members: Contact the T.D.

Team captains are responsible to send their list of players (especially the top 4 who will represent the team to determine who is the winner) to the tournament director (that would be me) by December 31st. The pre-register list will be posted on the ACA website and this facebook event page.

Friday, December 11, 2009

University Battle of Alberta Pre-registered and Maybe's List

Hello all,

28 players pre-registered for this event..14 players said "maybe"..,.
Reserve your spot by email to Simon Ong (simong89 @ gmail . com)

Updated Pre-registered List as of December 11 @ 10 AM
1) Victor Kaminski (2315)
2) Dan Kazmaier (2257)
3) Roy Yearwood (2211)
4) Erik Tam (2038)
5) Aaron Sequillion (2011)
6) Simon Ong (1839)
7) Thomas Fox (1816)
8) Cashe Tyler (1761)
9) Nayef Daher (1734)
10) Greg Holmes (1662)
11) Slava Illyntskyy (1658)
12) Steven Blahitka (1633)
13) Josh Willie (1625)
14) Raymond Ong (1622)
15) Adie Todd (1596)
16) Ihor Kurylo (1576)
17) Shandy Booth (1548)
18) Katlan Irvine (1532)
19) Michael Wanless (1504)
20) Josh Weber (1186)
21) Ben Schmaltz (996)
22) Nikolas Macmillian (UNR)
23) Marc Bellemare (UNR)
24) Georgia Davies (UNR)
25) John Morrey (UNR)
26) Robert Goforth (UNR)
27) Jacob Smith (UNR)
28) Madhusudan Rao (UNR)

Maybe's Pre-registered List
**Either told me in person, email, or facebook**
1) FM Eric Hansen (2494)
2) FM Dale Haessel (2328)
3) David Zhang (2088)
4) Hafiz Karmali (2081)
5) Brad Willis (2053)
6) Jered Fokkema (1868)
7) Chase Cunningham (1792)
8) Micheal Sekuloff (1585)
9) Avelino Angelo Tolentino (1448)
10) Mark Ting (1342)
11) Thomas McIntyre (1274)
12) Chris Espina (UNR)
13) William Morris (UNR)
14) Wyatt Boudreau (UNR)

U of C's Top 4 Players
1) Victor Kaminski (2315)
2) Dan Kazmaier (2257)
3) Simon Ong (1839)
4) Steven Blahitka (1633)
Average Rating=2011

U of A's Top 4 Players
Maybe 1) Brad Willis (2053)
1) Nayef Daher (1734)
2) Katlan lrvine (1576)
3) Georgia Davies (UNR)
4) Nikolas Macmillian (UNR)
Average Rating=1655 (2 players)
1788 (if we include Mr. Willis on the team)

U of L's Top 4 Players
1) Thomas Fox (1816)
2) Cashe Tyler (1761)
3) Greg Holmes (1662)
4) Slava Illyntskyy (1658)
Average Rating=1724

NOTE:The name of the tournament is University Battle of Alberta but that does not mean it is restricted to University students/staffs/ and professors. I strongly encourage community members to participate in this tournament. The prize fund of this tournament is open to all players who participate in this tournament.

We have many strong community players (including Roy Yearwood, Stephan Vasilev, Hafiz Karmali) who participated last year. Last year crosstable can be found on the following link:

We also encourage junior players to play in this event. Juniors who participated last year included David Zhang, Jan Lazo, Raymond Ong, Yuekai Wang, Diwen Shi, etc.

Details are posted on our facebook group
(It will be posted on the ACA website soon!!)

Hope to see you in this event.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Calgary's Weekend Tournament: Experiences vs. Raising Stars

Experiences vs. Raising Stars
Open to Juniors (21 yrs and under) and adults
Chess n 'Math and CFC

CFC membership required. It can be purchased on the site.

Format: 5 round swiss or round robin depending on the number of players
Time Control: 25 minutes
Registration: Sign in at the club 9:45 - 10: 00 am
Please pre-register by mailing me at

Entry Fee: $ 10 with membership
Prize: Cash Prize or Medallions
Round: Round 1: 10a.m-11a.m
Round 2: 11a.m-12a.m
Lunch: 12a.m-1p.m
Round 3: 1p.m-2p.m
Round 4: 2p.m - 3p.m
Round 5: 3p . m-4p.m

Note: Schedule may change depending on the situation

Entrants: So far our entrants are:

Juniors: Simon Ong, Tony Cai (maybe), Raymond Ong, Chengxi Zhao, Patrick Angelo Tolentino, Justin Prather, and Andre Angelo Tolentino
Seigneur: Roy Yearwood, Angelo Tolentino

The list will be refreshed in Yahoo! CCC group.

Tony Cai