Take a look of these pictures. Hopefully after looking at these pictures you will pre-register for this event!!
Pre-registration: Email simong89@gmail.com

2009 UBOA Open Set-Up. Please suggest on how we should set up the 2010 UBOA Open (something similar to national or international FIDE event). Let me know as I am running out of ideas...lol.

More than 35 players showed up. It does not matter if you are university students, professors, or staffs. Community members are welcome!!

Experts and masters playing in the 2009 UBOA Open.
I remembered a few juniors who took on university students and won their games.
Look forward to see upset victories from our juniors in the 2010 UBOA Open.

Overall winners of the event. FM Pechenkin and Expert Karmali.
Who will be the overall winner of the 2010 UBOA Open?
I guess I have to wait and see...can't wait though lol.
lol...I wasn't in the picture even I am on the team :(
Too busy directing.
We went to Joey Tomato to celebrate the success of this tournament. You can see we have a great time playing in the 2009 UBOA Open with a thumb-up given by National Master Roy Yearwood. We are planning to do the same in the 2010 UBOA Open.
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