Thanks to all the particpants who played in our November 13th event. While many of the games were of uneven quality there were a few that had some interesting moments. This game from round 4 for example. White:Yaroslav Babich Black:Chenxi Zhao
1e4 e5 2Nf3 Nc6 3Bc4 Nf6 Black offers up the 2kts defence. White takes up the challenge and plays the fried liver attack. 4Ng5 d5 5exd5 Na5 6Bb5+Bd7 Black prefers not to enter the complications that would ensue after 6...c6 whether this because of a knowledge of the current state of theory or not is unclear. 7a4 this is weak soft etc. better is 7Qe2 when White makes an attempt to hold onto his pawn plus. 7...Nxd5 8d3 Be7 9Qf3 An interesting moment White defends by counterattacking against the f7 and d5 squares sharp tactics indeed. 9...Nf6 Black blocks the f7 attack while at the same time moving his attacked d5 kt. 10 Bd2 Nc6 11Bc4 0-0 120-0 h6 13Ne4 Nxe4 14Qxe4 Bf6 15Nc3 this is ?! according to Babich perhaps 15c3 with an eventual d4 after some preperation to follow is a better try. 15...Nd4 16Rfc1 Bc6 17Bd5 Ne2+!? Black plays a deflecting forcing chess move. 18Qxe2 Bxd5 19Nxd5 Qxd5 20Qg4 Rfe8!?Black overlooks White's Bxh6 threat and develops his own initiative. 21Re1!? White in his turn does not ignore his responsibility towards the centre. If 21Bxh6 it's possible that the response 21...e4 might cause some problems as both ...exd3 and ...Bxb2 are threatened and if in response to 21...e4 22 dxe4 is played then a rook capture on e4 presents some trouble for the White Queen and bishop. 21...Qd4 Black now attends to the Bxh6 threat. 22Qxd4 exd4 23Bf4 c6 24 g3 Rad8 Babich thought that 24...g5 would have presented more trouble for White. 25Bc7 Rc8 26Ba5 Kf8 27Kg2 Re5 28Bb4+ c5 29Ba3? this is too decentralizing better 29Bd2. 29...b6 30Rxe5 Bxe5 31Re1 Bf6 32Re4 Re8 33Kf3 Be5 34Kg4 White's moves give the impression of someone who is playing to prey on his opponents time pressure a poor strategy 34...g6 35Kf3 Kg7 36Ke2 f5 for wich he's properly punished. 37Rxe5 Rxe5+ 38Kf3 Re8
And soon 0-1. An interesting game. The Calgary Junior Chess Club's next event is on December 4th for 1 day starting at 9:00 am full details can be found at the Alberta Chess Association's website Roy Yearwood
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
University Blitz Tournament

Adie Todd
UofC President
T.D./Organizer of U of C Blitz Tourney
Hello All,
The president of University of Calgary, Adie Todd, ran another successful blitz tournament on February 27th. It was held at the Rozsa Centre at the U of C. We had 28 players showed up including three masters: Victor Kaminski, Dan Kazmaier, and Alex Yam. The format of the blitz tournament was similar to the CCC's blitz tournament: double round robin. However, clock move was used instead of touch move to accomodate beginner players.
Alex Yam, a well-known CCC's attacking player, won the event giving 1.5 points to Dan Kazmaier who took second with 14/16. Victor Kaminski took 3rd with 13.5/16.
Other prizes were given to the following individuals:
Best Junior: YueKai Wang 10/16
2nd Best Junior: Andre Angelo Tolentino 8/16
Under 1600
1st: Curtis Goforth 9.5/16
2nd: Michael Wanless 8.0/16
1st: Danial Cormeau 8.5/16
Complete crosstable can be found belew:
Standings. Name ID Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Rd 7 Rd 8 Tot
1st place
Alex Yam 138357 2222 $6 $13 $9 $8 $3 D2 $7 $4 14.5
2nd place
Daniel Kazmaier 131382 2268 $11 $5 $4 D3 $9 #1 $13 $7 14.0
3rd place
Victor Kaminski 127461 2315 $14 $7 $8 #2 L1 $4 $5 $13 13.5
4th place
Yuekai Wang 147881 1929 $17 $22 L2 $13 $5 L3 $8 L1 10.0
5th-6th place
Steven Blahitka 101574 1602 $23 L2 $20 $6 L4 $11 L3 #10 9.5
Curtis Goforth 149035 904 L1 $27 $28 L5 W20 W12 $21 #11 9.5
7th place
Vassily Vins 146917 1819 $19 L3 W12 $15 $10 $9 L1 L2 9.0
8th-11 place
Avelino Angelo Tolentino 149964 1940 $16 $28 L3 L1 #12 $18 L4 W9 8.5
Simon Ong 144016 1828 $24 $10 L1 $22 L2 L7 #12 W8 8.5
Michael Wanless 149077 1460 $21 L9 $23 W12 L7 $24 W14 D5 8.5
Daniel Cormeau 1400 L2 $19 L13 $23 $21 L5 $20 D6 8.5
12th-17th place
Adie Todd 125156 1692 W20 $15 W7 W10 D8 W6 D9 W16 8.0
Rogelio Lozano 1500 $27 L1 $11 L4 $17 $20 L2 L3 8.0
Deweese Wood 145476 1412 L3 L20 $24 W19 W15 $22 W10 W17 8.0
Devin Davis 1300 B--- L12 $25 L7 W14 L21 $27 $22 8.0
Andre Angelo Tolentino 149031 827 L8 $26 L22 L21 $27 W17 $18 W12 8.0
Nicholas Lee 150588 815 L4 W25 %21 $26 L13 W16 $19 W14 8.0
18th place
Clive Robertson unr. H--- H--- H--- H--- #22 L8 L16 B--- 7.5
19th-21st place
Lee Ma 148096 668 L7 L11 B--- W14 L24 $23 L17 $26 7.0
Patrick Angelo Tolentino 149030 667 W12 $14 L5 $28 W6 L13 L11 W21 7.0
Blake McConville unr. L10 W24 %17 $16 L11 $15 L6 W20 7.0
22nd-23rd place
Eric Limacher 149080 1468 $25 L4 $16 L9 D18 L14 $26 L15 6.5
Jackson Prather 149419 644 L5 B--- L10 L11 #26 L19 W25 $27 6.5
24th-25th place
Bill Xu 149405 738 L9 W21 L14 $25 $19 L10 U--- U--- 5.0
Steven Cawdry unr. L22 W17 L15 L24 B--- W27 W23 U--- 5.0
26th place
Eric Beaudoin unr. L28 L16 $27 L17 D23 B--- L22 L19 4.5
27th place
Aneesha D'Cruz unr. L13 L6 L26 B--- L16 W25 L15 L23 3.0
28th place
Robert Goforth 1500 $26 L8 L6 L20 U--- U--- U--- U--- 2.0
TD/Organizer: Adie Todd; Report: Simon Ong
Friday, January 8, 2010
UBOA Open 2010 Pre-Registered List
Hello all,
The University Battle of Alberta Open 2010 will start next Saturday, January16th. Details of this tournament is posted on the ACA, CJCC, and CCC Blog website.
As of January 8th, we have more than 40 players signed up for the tournament. Afriendly reminder that this tournament will be OPEN to everybody!! If youhaven't pre-register for this tournament, then please send me an email at simong89 @ gmail . com
We are giving $5 discount to FIDE master and $10 discount to juniors. So, theentry fee for these individuals will be $20 and $15, respectively. As foreverybody who are not university students/staffs will be $25.
For update pre-register list, please check the following website:
Thanks. Hope to see you there.
Simon Ong
The University Battle of Alberta Open 2010 will start next Saturday, January16th. Details of this tournament is posted on the ACA, CJCC, and CCC Blog website.
As of January 8th, we have more than 40 players signed up for the tournament. Afriendly reminder that this tournament will be OPEN to everybody!! If youhaven't pre-register for this tournament, then please send me an email at simong89 @ gmail . com
We are giving $5 discount to FIDE master and $10 discount to juniors. So, theentry fee for these individuals will be $20 and $15, respectively. As foreverybody who are not university students/staffs will be $25.
For update pre-register list, please check the following website:
Thanks. Hope to see you there.
Simon Ong
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