Adie Todd
UofC President
T.D./Organizer of U of C Blitz Tourney
Hello All,
The president of University of Calgary, Adie Todd, ran another successful blitz tournament on February 27th. It was held at the Rozsa Centre at the U of C. We had 28 players showed up including three masters: Victor Kaminski, Dan Kazmaier, and Alex Yam. The format of the blitz tournament was similar to the CCC's blitz tournament: double round robin. However, clock move was used instead of touch move to accomodate beginner players.
Alex Yam, a well-known CCC's attacking player, won the event giving 1.5 points to Dan Kazmaier who took second with 14/16. Victor Kaminski took 3rd with 13.5/16.
Other prizes were given to the following individuals:
Best Junior: YueKai Wang 10/16
2nd Best Junior: Andre Angelo Tolentino 8/16
Under 1600
1st: Curtis Goforth 9.5/16
2nd: Michael Wanless 8.0/16
1st: Danial Cormeau 8.5/16
Complete crosstable can be found belew:
Standings. Name ID Rtng Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Rd 7 Rd 8 Tot
1st place
Alex Yam 138357 2222 $6 $13 $9 $8 $3 D2 $7 $4 14.5
2nd place
Daniel Kazmaier 131382 2268 $11 $5 $4 D3 $9 #1 $13 $7 14.0
3rd place
Victor Kaminski 127461 2315 $14 $7 $8 #2 L1 $4 $5 $13 13.5
4th place
Yuekai Wang 147881 1929 $17 $22 L2 $13 $5 L3 $8 L1 10.0
5th-6th place
Steven Blahitka 101574 1602 $23 L2 $20 $6 L4 $11 L3 #10 9.5
Curtis Goforth 149035 904 L1 $27 $28 L5 W20 W12 $21 #11 9.5
7th place
Vassily Vins 146917 1819 $19 L3 W12 $15 $10 $9 L1 L2 9.0
8th-11 place
Avelino Angelo Tolentino 149964 1940 $16 $28 L3 L1 #12 $18 L4 W9 8.5
Simon Ong 144016 1828 $24 $10 L1 $22 L2 L7 #12 W8 8.5
Michael Wanless 149077 1460 $21 L9 $23 W12 L7 $24 W14 D5 8.5
Daniel Cormeau 1400 L2 $19 L13 $23 $21 L5 $20 D6 8.5
12th-17th place
Adie Todd 125156 1692 W20 $15 W7 W10 D8 W6 D9 W16 8.0
Rogelio Lozano 1500 $27 L1 $11 L4 $17 $20 L2 L3 8.0
Deweese Wood 145476 1412 L3 L20 $24 W19 W15 $22 W10 W17 8.0
Devin Davis 1300 B--- L12 $25 L7 W14 L21 $27 $22 8.0
Andre Angelo Tolentino 149031 827 L8 $26 L22 L21 $27 W17 $18 W12 8.0
Nicholas Lee 150588 815 L4 W25 %21 $26 L13 W16 $19 W14 8.0
18th place
Clive Robertson unr. H--- H--- H--- H--- #22 L8 L16 B--- 7.5
19th-21st place
Lee Ma 148096 668 L7 L11 B--- W14 L24 $23 L17 $26 7.0
Patrick Angelo Tolentino 149030 667 W12 $14 L5 $28 W6 L13 L11 W21 7.0
Blake McConville unr. L10 W24 %17 $16 L11 $15 L6 W20 7.0
22nd-23rd place
Eric Limacher 149080 1468 $25 L4 $16 L9 D18 L14 $26 L15 6.5
Jackson Prather 149419 644 L5 B--- L10 L11 #26 L19 W25 $27 6.5
24th-25th place
Bill Xu 149405 738 L9 W21 L14 $25 $19 L10 U--- U--- 5.0
Steven Cawdry unr. L22 W17 L15 L24 B--- W27 W23 U--- 5.0
26th place
Eric Beaudoin unr. L28 L16 $27 L17 D23 B--- L22 L19 4.5
27th place
Aneesha D'Cruz unr. L13 L6 L26 B--- L16 W25 L15 L23 3.0
28th place
Robert Goforth 1500 $26 L8 L6 L20 U--- U--- U--- U--- 2.0
PLEASE EMAIL ADIE TODD AT chess@ucalgary.ca NOW!!
TD/Organizer: Adie Todd; Report: Simon Ong
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